Robert Harris - The Ghost [ Political thriller, detective ]

Різне Додано 08.04.2017 11:34
Автор: Warning! The resource can give you the knowledge about different visual digital formats, that are exclusively for previewing only. All the rights for the outcoming audio and video recordings, as well as, different digital visuals are the property of the corresponding organizations and the private entities. Robert Harris - The Ghost [ Political thriller, detective. Douglas Hodge ] Роберт Харрис - [ Политический триллер, детектив. Дуглас Ходж ] Book title: The Ghost The author's surname: Harris The author's name: Robert Performer: Douglas Hodge Language: Britian english ISBN or ASIN: - Publishing house: BBC [ ] Genre: political thriller, detective Playing time: 02:15:53 Description: The Ghost is a contemporary political thriller by the best-selling English novelist and journalist Robert Harris. The novel has been adapted into a film, directed by Roman Polanski, which was released in 2010.


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